Category: Travelling

What Are The Benefits Of Travelling?

The benefits of travel are unquestionable and many studies demonstrate the positive effects of traveling on the mind and soul. Going on an adventure, seeing new places and making new friends improves self-esteem, frees you from stress and makes you more resourceful. The best thing is that the effects are exponential: the more you travel, the happier you are. Travelling teaches you to relativize and eliminate the extra and the intangible. Great travellers travel light and return full of experiences and knowledge that are kept forever.

Broadening horizons

When you travel, you leave your comfort zone and go behind the daily routine in which we usually get caught up without seeing beyond. The expansion of horizons that occurs when travelling and discovering new cultures, other cuisines, clothing, music, and traditions allows you to see the world from a different perspective.

By travelling, you develop a more open mentality towards other ways of living with your daily customs. Exposing yourself to new ideas and approaches makes you more tolerant and understanding, helping you grow.

Travelling nourishes you with new knowledge and frees you from prejudices because, as the great British writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley said: “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”

Enriching cultural experiences

We noted it in the previous section: you return with an extra suitcase full of enriching cultural experiences after the trip. You learn something on every short or long trip to places near or far from home.

Interacting with people from other places and exploring new cultures and traditions through travel enriches your mind with new knowledge that, in addition to making you a little wiser, broadens your perspectives and allows you to contemplate new solutions you can apply when you return. Your everyday life.

Development of personal skills

Another benefit of travel is the development of personal skills. On your journey through new places, you may encounter unexpected or surprising situations in which you learn to adapt to new circumstances that favour and increase your problem-solving capacity, mental flexibility, adaptability, and independence.

When travelling, you leave your comfort zone, physical and mental, in which you move in a known and safe way to adapt to other contexts. These situations contribute to growing your resilience and the ability to relativize and contemplate what happens to you from a different perspective. Once again, this benefit, applied to everyday life, allows you to contemplate the problems that arise from another perspective.

Human connections and international friendships

Travel favours global human connections. When you visit other places, you meet people from different cultures with whom you interact and learn about their culture and customs. On many occasions, international friendships are created that you return to visit on more occasions or those that you welcome into your home.

People are naturally social, and when you find yourself in unknown places and situations, you are more likely to start conversations with locals. It is a great way to develop social skills. It is logical that, on your first trips, it will be more difficult for you to talk to strangers, especially if the language changes. However, the more you travel, the more you lose shyness and stage fright. By travelling, you become more cosmopolitan and learn to get along everywhere and make friends that enrich your travelling experience.

Stress reduction and improved mental health

Travelling has a positive impact on mental health when you disconnect from your routine and leave everyday worries behind to immerse yourself in an adventure. Many studies have focused on stress reduction through travel. Travelling increases happiness and pleasure and reduces stress and negative emotions, significantly improving mood.
